Loop38 explores human creativity, perseverance, and all that binds us all together.
Works by George Lewis and Chen Yi look inward, considering humanity's inherent creativity and life force, while Carolyn Chen's work looks outward, contemplating our relationship with the environment. Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton joins the musicians of Loop38 to present the world premiere of a work by Martha Horst based on D.E.E.P.’s poetry about hope, aspiration, and the power of creation.
Tickets: https://www.loop38.org/calendar/2023/5/4/will-and-soul
On the Program:
Carolyn Chen - Oceans in Oceans (2014)
Chen Yi - Qi (1997)
George Lewis - The Will to Adorn (2011)
Martha Horst - Dream Shadows|Shadow Dreams (2023), World Premiere